Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Kid Heaven

Just for the kids.

Welcome back, froggers!

I heard the wood frogs last night! Welcome back!
Next come the peepers. Soon, the night will throb with their songs.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Out Like a Lamb -- no, Kid, no, LION!

March did not depart gracefully. We shipped off the first batch of kids to their new home on the last day of March, and then it started to snow again. This endless winter just doesn't want to let go. More snow predicted for Friday. Such an April Fool.

Spring Training: Zero to 46 in 12 days

The first kid of the season was born on March 19. We're now up to 46 kids, with just five does left to give birth. We've gone from not milking to milking almost 30 twice a day, from no kids to feeding them all. We've already shipped off 24 to their new homes, so the kid peak has passed. In the meantime, the girls in the barn get their spring beauty parlor treatments: hooves trimmed, udders clipped. They have to re-learn milking parlor etiquette: no crowding please! no bullying! please use the In Door! And I have to remember how to make cheese again after a long winter's hibernation.